Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cucumber (pepino) as a natural medicine
The Cucumber, belonging to the plant family Cucurtaceae, is a tropical, freshly, brishtly climbing vine in the tropical area. The leaves of the Cucumber are mostly golden-yellow, and bell-shaped. The fruit, containing small seeds is fleshly and long. It is mainly used in green salads and pickels.

Medicinal use:

  • Heart and kidney problems
  • Kidney and bladder stones
  • Rheumatic, 
  • Skin disorders
  • Laryngitis, inflammations of the throat, tonsilities
  • Destroy tape worms
  • Burns, haemorrhoid, herpes and bedsores,
  • Stomachache
  • Used also in cosmetics.
How to use:

  • The cucumber fruits is recommended for heart and kidney problems
  • It helps to dissolve uric acid accumulations like kidney and bladder stones
  • Taken as salads, it is good for chronic constipation.
  • The juice extracted fresh, mixed with carrot juice, is recommended for rheumatic problems.
  • The juice also has beneficial effects on the intestines,lungs,and the skin.
  • Cucumber is highly recommended for its calcium which strengthens the bones and the teeth.
  • For skin disorders, mix the juice with carrot and lettuce juice and a rub on affected areas to heal the skin.
  • Mixes with honey, the pure juice helps in laryngitis, inflammations of the throat and tonsilitis.
  • Like pumpkin seeds, the seeds of the cucumber are very efficient in destroying tape worms in the body.
  • The paste of the seeds, used externally soothes burns, haermorroids, herpes and a bedsores.
  • The infusion of the dried peel, is an excellent remedy for stomachache. 
Parts used:
  • The fruit

Reference: "Amazing Healing Plants" by Dr. JC Kurian


  1. Manfaatnya memang sangat baik untuk kesehatan :)

  2. Well, this is a famous plant that is always serve during our meals, not new, but thanks for the information.

  3. By the way, you misspelled the word "Cucunber" it should be "Cucumber". Please revise. Keep it up!

  4. By the way, you misspelled the word "Cucunber" it should be "Cucumber". Please revise. Keep it up!

  5. nice info there, I love cucumber
