Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Sweet Cure from Strawberries

The popular Strawberry (Fragaria vesca Linn.) plant belongs to the plant family Rosaceae. It is a low perennial herb with runners. The leaves are compound in three leaflets, bright green, and with toothed margin. The flowers are white, with five petals, developing into a sweet red false or aggregate fruit which is now called strawberry. The plant is vegetatively propagated by runners.

These are the medicinal use of this plant:
  • Binds tissues and promotes free flow of urine.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Abnormal build up of minerals in the body, kidney diseases, intestinal worms, pulmonary inflammation of the mucous membranes or catarrh, arthritis, jaundice, liver and stomach problems.
  • Bladder stones.
  • Indigestion.
  • Anaemia.
The following are the instructions on how to use the plant as a  medicine:
  • The tea leaves has the property of binding tissues and promoting the free flow of urine.
  • The tea is also used for chronic diarrhea. The root also has the same medicinal property.
  • The fruit is valuable in cases of calculus or the abnormal build up of minerals in the body, kidney diseases, intestinal worms, pulmonary catarrh, gout, arthritis, jaundice, liver and stomach problems.
  • In the treatment of bladder stones, the juice of the fresh strawberry is taken before breakfast. It relives pains and prevents development of new stones.
  • The fruit is also recommended for indigestion or dyspepsia.
  • It has good anti-anaemic properties.
  • The whole plant is really useful in curing these different illnesses. 

Reference: The Amazing Healing Plants by Dr. JC Kurian


  1. Hemm...strawberry juice, i like it. It's good for us to take care our health.

  2. Wow how sweet this medicine is. Delicious and useful
